Can more than one body be cremated at the same time?

Death is a thief that steals the life of the people you love. It is even more tragic when multiple family members pass away at the same time. How is it even possible to move on from this kind of tragedy? If you are tasked to prepare the cremation services for more than one person, you may [...]

By |October 14th, 2020|Cremation|Comments Off on Can more than one body be cremated at the same time?

Can Cremation Urns Be Buried

When the cremation services are over, you can choose to place the urn in your home, scatter the remains in a meaningful place, or place them in a columbarium. Burying the cremation remains, sometimes called ashes, in a cemetery or another location is also a common practice. The short answer is, yes, you can bury the urn. However, this [...]

By |July 16th, 2020|Cremation|Comments Off on Can Cremation Urns Be Buried

The Stand of Various Religions on Cremations

Contrary to what most people think, cremation is not a modern invention. Since ancient times, people have been using direct cremation as the final disposition method. This decision, however, is usually based on religion. Your faith is a huge determining variable when you are considering between cremation or burial services for yourself or your loved [...]

By |June 12th, 2020|Cremation|Comments Off on The Stand of Various Religions on Cremations

What Happens in Cremation? A Step By Step Guide

When your loved one passes away, the last thing you want to think of is what happens to the body. Unfortunately, you will have to make some very tough choices amidst your cloud of grief, especially if there is no last will and testament. It is easy to visualize what happens in traditional burial services [...]

By |February 14th, 2020|Cremation|Comments Off on What Happens in Cremation? A Step By Step Guide

Reasons Why People are Choosing Cremation

More people are choosing cremation over burial for so many reasons. In the early years, cremation wasn’t familiar to some, and others started making superstitious belief about it making burial as the number one disposition method. If we compare it through statistics today, more than 50% are getting cremated, and maybe around 95% knows about [...]

By |October 20th, 2019|Cremation|Comments Off on Reasons Why People are Choosing Cremation
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