Cremation and the Bible

Even during the ancient times, we talk about death as a cycle that happens naturally. We live our lives like we always do and hope that before our time comes, we are ready. The bible even mentioned it in two of its books. The first one isEcclessiates and the second one is Genesis.

“By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” – Genesis 3:19

As this verse states, we will all return to ashes. We were made using the Earth’s ashes and we will return to it as well. It’s the circle of life as we know it. However, in doing so, we would probably be dead by then. When we think about returning to ashes, the first thing that pops in our heads aside from dying is getting burned or cremated. With this being said, out of all the stories in the bible, can you recall anything that relates to cremation?

Have you ever wondered why the bible never mentioned anything about cremation other than the direct cremation people get when they are burned accidentally or on purpose? There are people who often question the idea of cremating versus burying a loved one instead. Although the bible did not mention anything bad by it, all of the people who died in all the stories were buried. The bible never spoke of anything that has to do with cremating the dead. With this in mind, another question arises. What happened to those who do not have any money to bury their dead?

As we all know, burying the dead requires a tomb or a lot. Getting a family tomb or a burial lot requires money and that’s what most people do not have. On the other hand, basic cremation requires little money.This, alternatively, is easier for the bereaved as less preparation is required and they can do it even after their loved one has passed away. Technically, you and your loved ones are given the choice to either wait for the right moment or do it quickly.

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