Donating your Body to Science or Becoming an Organ Donor

There are people in this world who even in their last breath would want to help their family financially even after choosing the cheapest cremation available. You don’t have to worry about the expense if you plan to donate your body to science for money. Scientists are not allowed to experiment with living things, and this is their way to fill the lapses in their researches. The best way for their experiment to work is by using the body of a person who passed away to study anatomy, product safety, and studying the steps of how a body decomposes in time.

There are certain factors and qualifications to pass in donating your body. You have to be healthy, no medical conditions such as HIV, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, and your body should have a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI). There are different kinds of programs created for those people who are willing to donate their body. You can also prefer to donate your body to a university medical school.

If you have this in mind, you have to tell your family beforehand. If you do this on your own and your time comes, your family will have difficulty to look for your body because some facilities want to transport your body immediately for research.

If your family doesn’t know anything about this type of donation, you should explain to them thoroughly and let them understand what it is.

All expenses are incorporated when you donate your body to science. The donation includes the transportation expense, filing in your death certificate, and cremation for you. It is an excellent opportunity for people who planned for a cremation. Scientist often gets tissues from your body for research.  The way to return the tissue would be if the body got cremated.

A lot of people don’t understand that donating your body for science is not simple because there are certain requirements to pass to become one. It can take time too since your body changes, and you might catch diseases in time, and upon filling it, you have to update the facility about that matter.

When you plan on donating your body for science, you should also plan about your funeral so that your family won’t be burdened and confused about what to do. They are grieving for your death, and adding this dilemma will give them even more difficulties. Some facilities would give a certificate to your family and commemorate your death by planting a tree in honor of your donation.

Being an organ donor is an entirely different thing. Anyone can be an organ donor as long as the organ you’re giving is healthy.  No one is too young, or too old the major religious organization supports donation too.

People who have medical conditions, and they’ve been staying inside the hospital for quite a long time may feel sympathetic for anyone who’s waiting for an organ donor. Waiting for an organ donor takes months and years, and a lot of people has died waiting for an organ donor. So, if you are sick, you don’t have to worry as long as it isn’t active cancer or an infectious disease.

If you are an organ donor before dying, you can help a lot of people.  If you have a healthy body, a lot of your organs can be used, and you can save a lot of people with deteriorating organs or people with complication.

A lot of donors offer their organs after passing. That is the reason why some have to wait for months and years. If you want to see how happy the person who lived because of your donation, you can choose to be a living donor. Living donors are those people who are willing to donate a part of their liver, their intestine, some tissues, a kidney, or a lung. Usually, living donors give kidney like, Francia Raisa who gave one of her kidneys to her BFF Selena Gomez, who has lupus.

If you are asking if you can sign up as a donor, it is simple. As long as you’re over 18 years old, you can be a donor on any part of your body after passing. If you are under 18, and you make your own decision to be an organ donor, your registration will still be accepted as long as you have consent from your legal guardian.

You can donate your body to science and be an organ donor at the same time. Some medical facilities don’t make use of some organs of your body so if you want to choose both, you can. There are a lot of kind people in this world who wants to help others who are suffering but they can’t because they don’t have the money for it or they are afraid to speak out about it. There are a lot of people who deserve life than those who are living, generally speaking. You can be the one to save them.

By |November 5th, 2019|Toronto Ontario Canada|Comments Off on Donating your Body to Science or Becoming an Organ Donor
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