How to Choose A Cemetery

Deciding where the final resting place of your departed would be is a task not taken lightly. Cemeteries come in all variety. That’s why it pays to spend sufficient time, money and energy on it to come up with the best decision.

There are various factors to consider when choosing a cemetery. If you’re struggling to find the right one, then you’re in the right place. Below are a few tips and things to remember when choosing a cemetery.

Whether you’re pre-planning your own funeral or organizing one for a beloved departed, keep the following information in mind.

Types of cemetery

Public cemetery

This is the most common type of cemetery there is. These cemeteries are for profit and are owned either independently or corporately. There are a lot of public cemeteries you can choose from that can be found online.

Religious cemetery

This is a non-profit cemetery that is usually owned by a church or other religious sectors. If you want the burial to take place in a religious cemetery, the best place to start is in your local church, mosque or synagogue.

District cemetery

District cemetery is another non-profit cemetery that is owned by a local municipality or county. In most cases, these cemeteries are full or sold out. Consult with your local town or city clerk for more information.

Veterans’ cemetery

This government-run cemetery is for the burial of veterans. This type of cemetery includes a plot, opening and closing of the grave, perpetual care, a headstone, and military honors at no charge.

Green burial

This is one of the newest means to bury a departed loved one. Green cemeteries offer a more environmental-friendly option to clients and at times constitute home burials.

Cemetery rules or policies

Each cemetery has its own set of rules and regulations. From religious requirements to types of flowers, size of tombstones or grave markers, it pays to know what you’re getting into. You should also remember to ask about potted plants, placement of extra items by the headstone, solar lights, in-ground planting and the permission to mount upright monuments.

Cemetery prices

The International Southern Cemetery Grave Association tells us: “The exact cost of a gravestone, also known as headstone or tombstone, depends upon its size, design, the type and color of material used, lettering, finish, artwork, and other similar factors. Besides, different types of gravestones like flat, bevel, upright, etc. have varying prices. For instance, you can find most flat grave markers around $1,000 or less. An upright headstone, on the other hand, shall cost up to $10,000. Nonetheless, you can get simple upright tombstones in the range of $1.000 to $3,000. Thus, the average cost of a gravestone is $1,500 to $2,000. However, companion headstones are priced higher than the ones made for individuals.”

Choosing a cemetery plot

To cap it all off, iMortuary came up with a simple yet cohesive checklist of what you need to keep in mind when choosing a cemetery plot, including price, rules and more.

  • Price: Cemetery fees typically include the plot, the opening and closing of the grave, the outer burial container (a vault or liner), the headstone, and a burial permit. When tallying costs, be sure and include all these things.
  • Funeral Home Discounts: Some funeral homes offer discounts (and likewise, so do cemeteries) or provide free transportation if you use a facility they’re associated with. If saving money is important to you, you may want to look into these kinds of options.
  • Religious Affiliations: Some of the most intimate cemeteries are the ones that are nestled next to a church or other religious facility, and are open only to members of said church. Others are larger religious cemeteries that welcome entire communities both past and present. If religion is important to you, you may want to look here first.
  • Military Affiliations: There are strict rules about who can be buried in federal cemeteries, but it can be a tremendous honor if the option is available to you. If you or a loved one has served in the military, you may want to contact the Veteran’s Department for more information.
  • Location: Like any kind of real estate purchase, the location of the grave will be affected by time and change. Will the cemetery expand in the future, making your perimeter site part of the interior someday? How much upkeep will be needed to keep the cemetery looking neat? Will the view change if developments outside the cemetery occur?
  • Space: How much space is there for the rest of the family—and for how many generations to come? In many cases, people want to purchase a family plot. However, this might require you to purchase a large plot of land in order to keep the space reserved for future use. You might also need to ensure you get a plot with room for a spouse or children.
  • Rules and Regulations: Every cemetery has its own regulations. They may require a burial vault or liner. They may restrict visiting hours. They may not allow fake flowers or other decorations. You may be required to maintain the grave yourself. Be sure you understand all the rules before you choose a cemetery plot, since you will be responsible for any associated costs or fees once you sign the agreement.
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