Top 4 Most Haunted Places Around the World

If you like horror movies, you’d know the setting are at memorials, cemeteries, old hostels, or haunted houses. Some stories may be based on real-life events, and some are stories made by authors. Horror movies such as The Conjuring, Annabelle, Insidious, and Sinister are great examples of a true story, and a lot of people have published the real stories behind these movies.

If you believe in ghosts, spirits, zombies, monsters, or any creatures that come out in a horror movie, you’d love to go to these places. Fans who love horror movies too much are not satisfied with just listening and watching, they want more. If you fan this genre, and you want to experience the paranormal phenomenon, then you should learn the stories behind each haunted places.

  1. Bhangarh Fort- Rajasthan, India

They call the place made up of gates, temples, and palaces as “Bhangarh Fort” in India. They call the holy man’s curse as “Bhangarh.” If any property or building cast a shadow or stand taller than his fort, the entire city or town will be cursed.

Another tale was told about a wizard who was madly in love with the Princess of Bhangarh. His obsession made the wizard try to cast a spell to the Princess. Fortunately, the Princess found out about his plan, which made the wizard mad and bitter. His misery made the wizard decide on cursing the entire city. The people believed that until now, it’s still suffering from the curse.

People living near the cursed city said that if a person enters at night, visitors won’t make it out. Most paranormal activities, according to the people, are centered on the Dancers’ House and the Marketplace.

  1. Edinburgh Castle – Edinburgh, Scotland

The Edinburgh Castle was a military fortress that sits on top of volcanic castle rock. The construction of the castle started 900 years ago, and legend says that the castle is one of Scotland’s most haunted places.

Visitors claim that they have witnessed different apparitions and ghost roaming around the castle. Examples of witnessed apparitions are headless drummers, a lost phantom piper, French prisoner, and even prisoners from the past American Revolutionary War

Knowing the history of the castle, it’s not a shock to know about these apparitions. The castle most probably witnessed murders, attacks, and executions throughout those years an at this stage, this can be considered a castle full of ghosts.

Around the year 2001, paranormal investigators planned on investigating the place to prove the public if this castle was indeed a haunted place. The team gathered 200 members to investigate the castle’s hidden passage and chamber to make the task easier. After the experiment, more than half of the research team reported a paranormal activity such as a tug in their clothes, a sudden temperature drop, and shadowy figures lurking in a nearby area. Because of this investigation and with the evidence found, this castle is believed to be one of the world’s most haunted places.

  1. Proveglia Island- Italy

A deserted island located between Lido and Venice is called Proveglia Island. This island best to leave off-limits to visitors because of how haunted the place is. Legend says that the bell tower in this island would suddenly clang and creepy screams and moans would echo across the waters.

Proveglia was a self-governing island. Many people would use this place as burial grounds for the victims of an epidemic. Sometimes, this becomes a ground for burned bodies, bodies left to rot and die, and people who are left barely breathing. Because of the burnings, many people believed that around 50% of the soil on the island is ashes of the burned bodies.

After years, doctors used the island as a mental institution to enact their sick and twisted fantasies to patients. They sent fewer people to the island after the institution was built.

One doctor in this particular institution was believed to conduct horrendous experiments on patients without any anesthesia. Legend says he performed one of his most sinister experiment inside the bell tower. His experiments may have been the reason why in the bell tower at night, you’ll hear screams and moans of tortured patients in the entire island. The years of cruelty ended when he was tormented by the spirits of the patients he abused. His death adds terror to the island because he fell off the bell tower.

  1. The Amityville House- New York

You can locate the house at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, which is why the place is called Amityville House. A family of five children resided the house. On November 14, 1974, the 23-year-old Ronald DeFeo Jr. brutally killed and shot his parents and his four other younger siblings.

Over a year after, the family of George and Kathy Lutz decided to view the house knowing the fact about the murder that happened in that house. Soon enough they moved in on the 4,000-square foot house with a boathouse, a swimming pool with heater, a garage, and basement. Kathy walked in the house with a bright face because this was her dream house.

Things start to change drastically as soon as the family moved in. They started hearing footsteps, pounding noises, they also noticed green jelly-like substance leaking in their wall and a lot more paranormal activities.

Because of the strange happening, George and Kathy decided to bless the house with a priest to drive away evil spirits in the house, but they weren’t successful. Soon enough, the family member’s behaviors became different. The children began fighting with each other, Kathy experienced nightmares, and George became sickly to the point where he can’t take a bath or eat. Soon enough even the family member’s behaviors became different.

One day, the family decided to temporarily leave the house, which wasn’t a good idea because that night became a nightmare for the Lutzes. George Lutz was hesitant to explain the night in full details because he knows that people who haven’t experience being haunted wouldn’t believe him. Media outlets didn’t believe his story because it sounded too surreal, and maybe they only wanted to be famous.

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