Different types of Headstones

One of the things that need to be attended in terms of burial services would be the headstone (also commonly referred to as a gravestone). Choosing the right headstone for your departed loved one is important because it will help you easily identify them whenever you and your family visit them in the cemetery. It also serves as an effective marker in indicating the exact spot where your friend/relative is buried.

So if you are deciding on what kind of headstone to purchase for the burial, there are many types that you can consider. The first one would be the flat markers. This is perhaps the most common type of gravestone. It can easily be laid on a flat surface at a lawn-level of depth. Flat markers are also very affordable as compared to other types, thus making it the common choice for customers who want a budget-friendly option. There are also the so-called upright monuments. These usually are installed in a standing position which is usually perpendicular to the ground. That is why it also comes with a base which serves as its foundation. Compared to flat markers, upright gravestones also have more space for designs and other details that you want to add.

Another type of headstone would be the slanted marker. Basically, this type is similar to an upright gravestone except that the top comes in a slanted design. Another difference of a slanted from an upright tombstone involves the base. Slanted ones usually can be erected without a base while the upright ones really need a base for support. There are also ledger types which is basically the longer version of an upright marker. Since it is lengthy, it is recommended for customers who would like to add more inscriptions to the gravestone. Bench types, as the name suggests, resemble a bench in a way that the top is supported and is elevated by pillars. This kind of design makes the burial spot more recognizable because it stands out in terms of height. Bench types are also ideal for both cremation and standard memorial services. These are some of the many types of gravestones that you can choose from.

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