The Green Burial Trend

Being environmentally friendly is no longer only a way of life, it’s also a way of after-life. More and more Americans have been embracing the option of cremation over traditional burials.  In a 2008 survey conducted by funeral industry publishers Kates-Boylston Publications, 43 percent of respondents said that they would consider a green burial. Only a [...]

By |September 22nd, 2019|Cremation, Funerals|Comments Off on The Green Burial Trend

DIY Headstones: Cheap and Easy

Headstones are usually found in cemeteries, and they are usually made during a funeral service. But nowadays, other events such as Halloween that let you create your own headstone for decoration. Building your own headstone is not as complicated as it seems, especially if you are going to do it for decoration. What you will [...]

By |April 3rd, 2019|Cremation|Comments Off on DIY Headstones: Cheap and Easy

Options for The Cremated Remains and Their Pros and Cons

When you go for cremation, you should pick the cheapest cremation service available, since eventually, you’ll turn into ashes and choosing the expensive service will just be a waste of money. There would probably be a lot of crematorium in your location so that won’t be a problem. One of the questions asked will be, [...]

By |March 7th, 2019|Cremation|Comments Off on Options for The Cremated Remains and Their Pros and Cons

How to Write an Obituary for Your Loved One

We’ll never know when our loved one ran out of years. A time will come where you need to have all the support when you make funeral announcements to your loved ones, friends, family members, and colleagues. You too have to grieve and decide the burial plots to, and it wouldn’t be easy because of the overflowing emotions of [...]

By |January 3rd, 2019|Cremation|Comments Off on How to Write an Obituary for Your Loved One
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