What is a Green Burial

Typical final disposition methods include an expensive casket, elaborate funeral flowers, preparation of the body, embalming procedures, a grave for burial services, or an urn and niche combo for cremation services. Because of these accouterments’ high prices, people opt to pare down with a more savvy option called the green burial, which requires fewer resources. […]

By |September 6th, 2020|Funerals|Comments Off on What is a Green Burial

Can People Wait While the Grave is Filled?

If you are wondering if family members and guests can wait while the grave is being filled during the burial services, the answer to this question is that it is possible. Customs do vary widely depending on geographical considerations. When guests want to be present when the casket is lowered into the grave then filled with [...]

By |August 23rd, 2020|Funerals|Comments Off on Can People Wait While the Grave is Filled?

Making a Tough Decision: Should You Attend a Funeral or Not?

If the deceased is a close friend or beloved family member, the answer is pretty obvious. Without an iota of doubt, it would be best if you attend. That is always the right and supportive move to do. Aside from offering support to the bereaved family members, it is your last chance to say farewell [...]

By |April 22nd, 2020|Funerals|Comments Off on Making a Tough Decision: Should You Attend a Funeral or Not?

The Green Burial Trend

Being environmentally friendly is no longer only a way of life, it’s also a way of after-life. More and more Americans have been embracing the option of cremation over traditional burials.  In a 2008 survey conducted by funeral industry publishers Kates-Boylston Publications, 43 percent of respondents said that they would consider a green burial. Only a [...]

By |September 22nd, 2019|Cremation, Funerals|Comments Off on The Green Burial Trend

Questions to ask when choosing a funeral home

Finding a funeral home is not easy, regardless of whether you’ve lost a loved one or are working on pre-planning. The details around the death can make us uneasy, and we often avoid thinking about the topic until it is necessary. A part of the reason why finding a funeral home is difficult is because [...]

By |August 16th, 2019|Funerals|Comments Off on Questions to ask when choosing a funeral home
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