How Does Grief Affect the Body?

Grief is a feeling we are all too familiar with. No one can escape this feeling. At best, it is that sharp, knife-like pain in your heart after getting a failing mark on a test you prepared so hard for. Sometimes, it is much worse. It is the persistent, and sometimes lifelong, aching in our [...]

By |February 19th, 2021|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on How Does Grief Affect the Body?

How to Face the New Year When You are Grieving?

When you are mourning, it may be difficult to face each new day as it comes. As such, it can be even more daunting to embrace a whole brand new year that seems to stretch out endlessly. When you’ve just finished your loved one’s burial services, you feel insecure about the possibilities that the New [...]

By |January 10th, 2021|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on How to Face the New Year When You are Grieving?

How to Celebrate the Christmas Holidays When Your Loved One Just Passed Away?

A lot of people look forward to the Christmas holidays because it is a time to spend with loved ones. 'Tis indeed the season to be merry, jolly, and holly with glorious food to eat, traditions to carry on, and gifts to give. However, if you are facing the season after your loved one's death, [...]

By |November 14th, 2020|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on How to Celebrate the Christmas Holidays When Your Loved One Just Passed Away?

Suicide Prevention Tips

A suicidal individual may be tough to detect. Many don’t show any obvious signs of wanting to harm themselves. The truth is, the majority of people who contemplate suicide don’t necessarily want to die. Instead, they just want the pain to end. They want to stop hurting, and often suicide is often the only way [...]

By |November 19th, 2018|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on Suicide Prevention Tips

Things to Keep in Mind When Mourning

Experiencing grief is a very life-changing event. The loss can be so devastating you will not be the same person again. The thought of losing someone you love is so shuddering that the subject is altogether avoided in many cultures. However, the subject of grief is something that must be confronted, no matter how difficult [...]

By |November 1st, 2018|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on Things to Keep in Mind When Mourning
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