Donating your Body to Science or Becoming an Organ Donor

There are people in this world who even in their last breath would want to help their family financially even after choosing the cheapest cremation available. You don’t have to worry about the expense if you plan to donate your body to science for money. Scientists are not allowed to experiment with living things, and this is their way [...]

By |November 5th, 2019|Toronto Ontario Canada|Comments Off on Donating your Body to Science or Becoming an Organ Donor

Reasons Why People are Choosing Cremation

More people are choosing cremation over burial for so many reasons. In the early years, cremation wasn’t familiar to some, and others started making superstitious belief about it making burial as the number one disposition method. If we compare it through statistics today, more than 50% are getting cremated, and maybe around 95% knows about [...]

By |October 20th, 2019|Cremation|Comments Off on Reasons Why People are Choosing Cremation

The Green Burial Trend

Being environmentally friendly is no longer only a way of life, it’s also a way of after-life. More and more Americans have been embracing the option of cremation over traditional burials.  In a 2008 survey conducted by funeral industry publishers Kates-Boylston Publications, 43 percent of respondents said that they would consider a green burial. Only a [...]

By |September 22nd, 2019|Cremation, Funerals|Comments Off on The Green Burial Trend

Questions to ask when choosing a funeral home

Finding a funeral home is not easy, regardless of whether you’ve lost a loved one or are working on pre-planning. The details around the death can make us uneasy, and we often avoid thinking about the topic until it is necessary. A part of the reason why finding a funeral home is difficult is because [...]

By |August 16th, 2019|Funerals|Comments Off on Questions to ask when choosing a funeral home

How a funeral home prepares for a funeral

The time that we spend caring for our loved one does not end with death. There are a lot of questions that must be answered after a loved one has passed, and some of the questions revolve around the preparation and proper disposal of their body. A loved one’s death can be just as unique [...]

By |July 29th, 2019|Funerals|Comments Off on How a funeral home prepares for a funeral
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