The Importance of Maintaining Family Traditions

Christmas dinners, family reunions, birthday gatherings, annual beach trips—traditions are among the most beautiful ideologies we human beings are fortunate to celebrate. It remains one of the very few practices that give us a sense of belongingness, no matter which kind and with whom we share it too.

Sadly, most have foregone traditions and no longer exert the extra effort of maintaining them. Sure, life happens and work gets in the way. However, keeping up with our own family traditions allow us to stay connected and close despite all obstacles.

What are family traditions?

Family traditions are rituals and practices we pass down from one generation to the next. Whether they are based on culture and religion or formulated personally as a family, the essence of family traditions is to cultivate beautiful memories despite the distance often between the members of a nuclear family.

Why are family traditions important?

There are plenty of reasons as to why family traditions are important. Whether you are looking to build your own with your new family or would want to be reminded as to why these traditions happen in the first place, then keep in mind the following points.

  1. It provides a sense of identity

Traditions define you as a family and as a member of that family. It teaches people the background of your family and helps you build a sense of belongingness. For example, as someone who belongs to a Mexican family, eating tamales on Christmas is traditional and echoes one’s ethnic origins.

As a child, traditions help form one’s consciousness, behavior and personality. In fact, studies have shown that people who grew up with a better sense of tradition are more confident and well adjusted. After all, what you know of your past will greatly influence who you will be in the future.

  1. It strengthens the family bond

If you spend significant time away from your family, traditions keep the connection alive. No matter how far you are from each other or how little time you spend with one another, having a tradition makes everyone disciplined and committed to the importance of family time.

Christmas dinners and family outings are wonderful recreational activities that continuously empower the family bond. Without it, everyone will just drift off. When the going gets rough, it’s not going to be extra challenging to get everyone to support each other.

  1. It gives you something to look forward to

We all know how routinely activities can suck us dry. It makes us feel like the days are so long and all we anticipate is jumping into our beds fast asleep.

Family traditions break us away from our routine and let us be excited for the days to come. When we have something to look forward to, our day-to-day tasks seem more bearable and at times even more enjoyable. Whether it’s a beach or camping trip, there’s nothing better than getting excited to spend some quality time with the family.

  1. It offers a sense of security

We live in a fast-paced, ever-changing world. Sometimes, we are saddened by the fact that life seems so inconsistent and we crave little things that would make use feel secure and comfortable.

Family traditions do exactly that. No matter how many changes we face each day or as we grow old, we always have that one constant thing we know will be there at all times. For example, you’ve moved out of the family house and into a different state. Despite the new things you have to adapt to, it’s great to know there’s still Pizza Sunday you can look forward to every week.

  1. It creates beautiful memories

Our favorite family traditions never fail to give us new memories that we will forever cherish. The world tends to be rough on us sometimes. Having something that keeps us connected to the most important people in our lives gives us this sense of joy; that feeling that we know will always uplift us no matter how down in the dumps we are.

Family traditions let us remember what matters most in life. Whenever we feel low, there are always photos, videos and memories we can go back to. In no time, we find ourselves smiling again.

  1. It won’t preserve itself

Think about it. What will happen if your children don’t have anything to look forward to? How will they pass on the torch if they have nothing to pass? Who will be in charge of forming and maintaining the traditions then?

Remember: Family rituals won’t preserve itself. It needs you and the next coming generations to keep the flame alive. So always keep in mind the critical importance of keeping them.

By |February 10th, 2016|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on The Importance of Maintaining Family Traditions
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