Types of Burial Plots

There comes a time that in a person’s life, we all go, expire and take our final rest. And when we meet this moment, it is also nice if we would know our options on our final place of rest.

There are two options when it comes to your body’s final resting place. Your first option is to bury your body in a casket on the ground while the second is having yourself be cremated. Either way, you can still be buried.

To inform you of your options, let me enumerate to you the different types of burial plots.

  1. Family Plots – this is a small piece of land that can be purchased in the cemetery. It is relatively larger than the usual single plot since a number of family members can be buried and placed in the said piece of land. Mostly for some, a mausoleum is built within the premises of the lot. For some families, they also dig cremation urn niches in the said lot. Or a columbarium in the mausoleum that they have built.
  2. Companion Plots – this is either a single plot that is deeper and a bit wider or, a double plot. This option would depend on the burial site you choose to obtain. Mostly, married couples choose this option.
  3. Single Plots – This is the most common types of plots that are in a cemetery, a single casket or multiple cremation urns can be placed in a single plot.
  4. Urn Gardens – these are types of plots created mainly for burying cremation urns. The plots are relatively smaller and several garden elements like a garden bench, rocks, a fountain and other landscaping designs are included in the garden. Mostly, urns required for urn gardens are relatively smaller as a cemetery requirement. However, it would still be best to ask your local urn cemetery if such is required.

It all depends on you or your loved one’s preference as to where you take your final rest. As long as the place is well maintained and respectable then you can choose that place as your final rest. Also, consider the fact that your niche is conveniently placed near your loved ones’ home so that from time to time; they can go there and visit.

By |March 15th, 2014|Funerals|Comments Off on Types of Burial Plots
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