Unique Keepsakes and Giveaways for Funerals

Funerals are one of those events that we avoid to be in. It is a reminder that our loved ones have transcended. However, even if it is considered as an unfortunate event, it is still part of our tradition to honor and pay homage to the dead.

There are those who would want to have a unique funeral. As eccentric as it sounds, there are people who would want it to be an unforgettable experience. Not as a form of disrespect but sometimes, the dead himself or herself would want a different atmosphere for their loved ones. There are those who would not want to see their loved ones wallow in misery for losing a precious member of the family or even a friend.

This is the time we remember the dead in a positive light such as remembering their positive traits, the things that they did to make us smile, or how they touched other people’s lives. Because of this, some would plan in advance and take a look at different burial services and even decide what cemetery chapel they want to have their wake in. Some would also leave instructions on what they want to happen during their own wake such as what music to play and even what keepsakes or giveaways to give to their loved ones.

As weird as it sounds, some individuals would actually plan to have giveaways for their loved ones. This would help remember the loved ones in a positive light. There are different unique giveaways such as the dead’s favorite candy bar, pocket charms, memorial tree seedlings, or memorial photos that one can choose to give their guests. Candy bars will be a good giveaway to give to the guests the minute they enter the chapel. For someone who loves the environment and gardening, giving memorial tree seedlings would be appropriate as well.

Another would be pocket charms, these cute giveaways are appropriate for those who are fond of accessories. Some would make these charms and add a thank you note for those who came to the funeral. Some would consider getting a memorial photo for their own funeral. This would be appropriate for those individuals who love to take selfies. As a form of remembrance for how they lived, they can plan to take their best selfie and immortalize it with a memorial photo.

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