How to Celebrate the Christmas Holidays When Your Loved One Just Passed Away?

A lot of people look forward to the Christmas holidays because it is a time to spend with loved ones. 'Tis indeed the season to be merry, jolly, and holly with glorious food to eat, traditions to carry on, and gifts to give. However, if you are facing the season after your loved one's death, [...]

By |November 14th, 2020|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on How to Celebrate the Christmas Holidays When Your Loved One Just Passed Away?

Can more than one body be cremated at the same time?

Death is a thief that steals the life of the people you love. It is even more tragic when multiple family members pass away at the same time. How is it even possible to move on from this kind of tragedy? If you are tasked to prepare the cremation services for more than one person, you may [...]

By |October 14th, 2020|Cremation|Comments Off on Can more than one body be cremated at the same time?

What is a Green Burial

Typical final disposition methods include an expensive casket, elaborate funeral flowers, preparation of the body, embalming procedures, a grave for burial services, or an urn and niche combo for cremation services. Because of these accouterments’ high prices, people opt to pare down with a more savvy option called the green burial, which requires fewer resources. […]

By |September 6th, 2020|Funerals|Comments Off on What is a Green Burial

Can People Wait While the Grave is Filled?

If you are wondering if family members and guests can wait while the grave is being filled during the burial services, the answer to this question is that it is possible. Customs do vary widely depending on geographical considerations. When guests want to be present when the casket is lowered into the grave then filled with [...]

By |August 23rd, 2020|Funerals|Comments Off on Can People Wait While the Grave is Filled?

Can Cremation Urns Be Buried

When the cremation services are over, you can choose to place the urn in your home, scatter the remains in a meaningful place, or place them in a columbarium. Burying the cremation remains, sometimes called ashes, in a cemetery or another location is also a common practice. The short answer is, yes, you can bury the urn. However, this [...]

By |July 16th, 2020|Cremation|Comments Off on Can Cremation Urns Be Buried
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