Unique memorial service ideas

Memorial services can vary in tone, style and content just as widely as the unique personalities of those being memorialized. As more and more families choose to modify or entirely steer clear of the traditional services, the options for celebrating the life of a loved one multiply to accommodate the preferences of the decedent or [...]

By |June 18th, 2019|Funerals|Comments Off on Unique memorial service ideas

DIY Headstones: Cheap and Easy

Headstones are usually found in cemeteries, and they are usually made during a funeral service. But nowadays, other events such as Halloween that let you create your own headstone for decoration. Building your own headstone is not as complicated as it seems, especially if you are going to do it for decoration. What you will [...]

By |April 3rd, 2019|Cremation|Comments Off on DIY Headstones: Cheap and Easy

Options for The Cremated Remains and Their Pros and Cons

When you go for cremation, you should pick the cheapest cremation service available, since eventually, you’ll turn into ashes and choosing the expensive service will just be a waste of money. There would probably be a lot of crematorium in your location so that won’t be a problem. One of the questions asked will be, [...]

By |March 7th, 2019|Cremation|Comments Off on Options for The Cremated Remains and Their Pros and Cons

Funeral traditions in Canada

A funeral service and practice consist of arrangements made for the disposition of the body and customary observances for the dead. There is a network of social and legal requirements that must be met that usually involves the services of numerous professionals. There are a lot of arrangements that can be made prior to death, [...]

By |February 11th, 2019|Funerals|Comments Off on Funeral traditions in Canada
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