On Suffering, The Five Stages of Grief and Moving On Part 3: More on DABDA and Staying Strong

In the previous article, we showed to you what the five stages of grief are and how they came to be, plus a short definition on what each stage is.  To give you a brief recap, the five stages, otherwise known as the Kübler-Ross Model, experienced by a person going through a traumatic episode are [...]

By |September 12th, 2018|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on On Suffering, The Five Stages of Grief and Moving On Part 3: More on DABDA and Staying Strong

On Suffering, The Five Stages of Grief and Moving On Part 2: The Five Stages of Grief

In the first part of this three-part article series, we’ve touched very briefly on how the ancient philosophies viewed the concept of evil and the immense suffering it caused to mankind. We got a very basic idea on what it’s like to suffer and how the people from back then made sense of it all. [...]

By |August 11th, 2018|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on On Suffering, The Five Stages of Grief and Moving On Part 2: The Five Stages of Grief

On Suffering, The Five Stages of Grief and Moving On

  Introduction: The subject of grief and depression has fascinated and captured the minds of philosophers and thinkers since time immemorial. From Buddha to Marcus Aurelius, the ancient world has sought its own ways to provide a deeper understanding of this very strong driving force in a person’s life. Traumatic experiences can incur lasting lifetime [...]

By |July 25th, 2018|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on On Suffering, The Five Stages of Grief and Moving On

Undertaker, Embalmer, Mortician and Funeral Director: What’s the Difference?

People who inter the bodies of our beloved dead play an important role in that rather dark moment in our lives and, thus, play an important role in the greater society. No doubt we all recognize this as a fact but sometimes people get a little confused as to what we call them. People call [...]

By |June 24th, 2018|Funerals|Comments Off on Undertaker, Embalmer, Mortician and Funeral Director: What’s the Difference?

Basic Guide on the Proper Etiquette for Sending Funeral Flowers

Sending funeral flowers and sympathy flowers to the family of the deceased is of course a way to send one’s sincere condolences. In most traditions and customs, the sending of funeral flowers is a symbol of giving comfort and sharing the grief with the family and relatives of the dearly departed. If you need a [...]

By |June 1st, 2018|Funerals|Comments Off on Basic Guide on the Proper Etiquette for Sending Funeral Flowers
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