Recovering from grief after a loss by suicide

Death is already tragic but death by suicide seems to be especially traumatic to those who are left behind. Coping from the death of a loved one who committed suicide is a bit different from death through “normal” circumstances. But still you need to cope with the loss – although this time, differently. How can [...]

By |November 6th, 2017|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on Recovering from grief after a loss by suicide

The Different Forms of Grief

Grief is a reaction to a loss in your life. Whether it’s the death or departure of a person or pet, grief comes in many different forms. It can even stem from a loss of a job or a big disruption towards a regular routine you’ve come to have in your life. The most important [...]

By |March 1st, 2017|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on The Different Forms of Grief

Tips & Checklist for Pre-Planning Your Funeral

Death is neither the easiest nor the most appealing topic to talk about. However, there comes a time when we begin to wonder what happens to us when we pass on; what condition or situation it would be and how our loved ones are going to deal with it. […]

By |February 8th, 2017|Funerals|Comments Off on Tips & Checklist for Pre-Planning Your Funeral

Becoming a Funeral Director: What You Need to Know

Becoming a funeral director isn’t the most common dream of many. In fact, people who tell us they wish to become a funeral director someday often surprise us. However, the job never fails to fascinate us. For those of us who work as funeral directors have committed ourselves to helping countless families grieve. Our work [...]

By |January 4th, 2017|Funerals|Comments Off on Becoming a Funeral Director: What You Need to Know

A Guide to Traditional Funeral Flowers

Flowers have long embodied various occasions throughout a person’s journey. One of which is during a funeral, as a symbol of sympathy sent to the family of deceased or purchased both by the family or the funeral service. Most of the time, those who can’t make it to the wake often sends flowers as form [...]

By |December 13th, 2016|Funerals|Comments Off on A Guide to Traditional Funeral Flowers
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