How to Prepare Children for a Funeral

We all cope differently when someone dear to us dies. As adults, we have better means to understand our feelings, make better sense of it and hopefully, address these emotions properly. Moreover, we’ve had much time in this world compared to others, particularly children. Children have a very different perception of life. They see things [...]

By |November 3rd, 2016|Funerals|Comments Off on How to Prepare Children for a Funeral

Best Haunted Attractions In Ontario

Ontario is home to over 13 million people, as well as to the country’s capital, Ottawa. It is also home to numerous haunted attractions that will surely attract just about every Halloween aficionado in the world. So if you’re looking to visit this great city, then you’re in luck. We’ve lined up the best haunted [...]

By |October 6th, 2016|Toronto Ontario Canada|Comments Off on Best Haunted Attractions In Ontario

A Simple Guide to Living Urns & Bio Urns

The idea of dying isn’t exactly our top of mind. In fact, we all want to put it off for obvious reasons. However, whenever we do find ourselves drifting off on these thoughts, we do take into account certain things that will help shape the inevitable. There are many ways nowadays to pass on, one [...]

By |September 4th, 2016|Cremation|Comments Off on A Simple Guide to Living Urns & Bio Urns

Cemetery Etiquette Everyone Should Live By

A cemetery is such a unique place. It’s part of everyday’s scenery yet it’s not part of everyday’s life. However, this doesn’t mean that we diminish this place’s value by overlooking its importance. It’s considered the final resting place for our beloved departed in this planet. That’s why it shouldn’t come as a surprise that [...]

By |August 3rd, 2016|Funerals|Comments Off on Cemetery Etiquette Everyone Should Live By

How to Choose A Cemetery

Deciding where the final resting place of your departed would be is a task not taken lightly. Cemeteries come in all variety. That’s why it pays to spend sufficient time, money and energy on it to come up with the best decision. There are various factors to consider when choosing a cemetery. If you’re struggling [...]

By |July 7th, 2016|Cremation|Comments Off on How to Choose A Cemetery
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