How to Memorialize Your Loved One to Keep the Memories Alive

Shortly after the funeral or cremation services, you will feel an immense sense of loss. Most people find it hard to function and go back to their routine. And that's okay! What you are feeling is part of the grieving process. Don't rush yourself because grief takes time, and the recovery varies for everyone. Most people [...]

By |May 14th, 2021|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on How to Memorialize Your Loved One to Keep the Memories Alive

What happens if you choose to donate your body to science?

When people reach the end of life, the last thing on their minds may be about donating. However, it remains a fact that you can still donate to charitable causes long after you’ve died. Some people choose this route when death is imminent. After all, it is a noble endeavor to donate organs that others [...]

By |April 28th, 2021|Toronto Ontario Canada|Comments Off on What happens if you choose to donate your body to science?

How Long Do You Have to Wait Before You Can Place a Memorial on a Grave?

Losing a loved one is never easy but you still need to move on with life. This includes making decisions regarding the funeral services. If you opted for a traditional burial, you would need a memorial or grave marker for your loved one. Even opting for cremation services and burying the urn after will require a [...]

By |March 14th, 2021|Funerals|Comments Off on How Long Do You Have to Wait Before You Can Place a Memorial on a Grave?

How Does Grief Affect the Body?

Grief is a feeling we are all too familiar with. No one can escape this feeling. At best, it is that sharp, knife-like pain in your heart after getting a failing mark on a test you prepared so hard for. Sometimes, it is much worse. It is the persistent, and sometimes lifelong, aching in our [...]

By |February 19th, 2021|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on How Does Grief Affect the Body?

How to Face the New Year When You are Grieving?

When you are mourning, it may be difficult to face each new day as it comes. As such, it can be even more daunting to embrace a whole brand new year that seems to stretch out endlessly. When you’ve just finished your loved one’s burial services, you feel insecure about the possibilities that the New [...]

By |January 10th, 2021|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on How to Face the New Year When You are Grieving?
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