How Does One Host a Celebration of Life Ceremony?

Are you thinking of hosting a celebration of life ceremony? Planning one is similar to other gatherings commemorating milestones and other life events. However, a celebration of life will be more poignant as you and your guests grieve. After all, it is one of the tasks you undertake after the demise of a loved one.  [...]

By |July 17th, 2022|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on How Does One Host a Celebration of Life Ceremony?

How to Cope With Grief on Father’s Day

The time leading up to Father’s Day, and that particular Sunday itself, can be a challenge if you’ve lost your father or a child. Whether you’re grieving the recent passing of dad or mourning the loss of a child a few years ago, it’s normal to feel upset when a poignant celebration like this rolls [...]

By |June 18th, 2022|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on How to Cope With Grief on Father’s Day

How to provide a safe space for your grieving friend

Grief is a devastating burden to carry for anyone. If your friend loses a loved one, you are one of the pillars of support to get them through the tough times. After all, cliche as it may sound, but “that’s what friends are for,” which means being there in the good times and even more [...]

By |May 16th, 2022|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on How to provide a safe space for your grieving friend

How to Celebrate Mothers Day Without Mom

It doesn’t matter when you lost her, but waking up on Mother’s Day without the presence of your beloved mom is never easy. When spring rolls in and after Easter celebrations, this maternal holiday is visible everywhere with signs, flowers, and balloons reminding you to get ready for this very special day that’s only meant [...]

By |May 8th, 2022|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on How to Celebrate Mothers Day Without Mom

How to Comfort a Loved One Who is Grieving Miles Away

Under normal circumstances, it already feels awkward and difficult to face a grieving friend. Often, you find yourself grappling to find the right words of comfort. But when you can’t say the words in person because you are thousands of miles away, it becomes even more complex. How do you condole meaningfully when you cannot [...]

By |March 13th, 2022|Grief Counselling|Comments Off on How to Comfort a Loved One Who is Grieving Miles Away
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